You Download Our Extension, We Plant Trees

The climate crisis doesn't stop in May, so neither do we.

In June, we're planting a tree, every Friday, for every person using our extension. If we hit 500 people, we'll plant 2 trees per person instead.

Download now, and we'll plant at least 4 trees. Get your friends, your mom, your mechanic, or anybody else to download, and we'll plant a LOT more.

Why do this? Trees are great! But also, we're trying to build something that makes an impact way beyond trees, and we need good feedback from people who care.

We believe in better. Help us create a forest of change.
Click here to plant 4 trees


Who are you partnering with to plant the trees?
We're partnering with Eden Reforestation Projects [], which is one of the better known non-profits in this space, focused on both tree planting and poverty alleviation. To date, they've planted over 580M trees, across 232 project sites. They're the ones that people like Ecosia use for the millions of trees they've planted. We'll soon add a link that allows anybody to track our progress on Eden's website.
Where are the trees being planted?
Eden plants trees in Nepal, Indonesia, Haiti, Mozambique, Madagascar, Kenya, Nicaragua, Honduras, and elsewhere. They let you choose where to plant your trees, or they give you the option to select "General Planting," which then allows them to move trees to the sites that need them the most. We've chosen the "General Planting" option, as they're the tree experts, and we're just excited to help. We'll soon add a link that allows anybody to track our progress on Eden's website.
How do you calculate how many trees to plant?
It's pretty simple. Every Friday in June at 8PM, we'll look at the number of users that the Google store says is using the Melio extension, and we'll commit to planting a tree for that total. We'll do this every Friday, for all of June. If you want to plant more trees, just download sooner, and Google will count for us. At the end of June, we'll let Eden know how many trees we'd like to plant, and Eden will take over from there. We'll soon add a link that allows anybody to track our progress on Eden's website.
How can we verify that the trees were actually planted?
Eden Reforestation Projects creates a webpage for people to track the details of our activity with them. You'll see our contribution to their efforts (i.e., number of trees), as well as where those trees are being planted. We'll soon add a link that allows anybody to track our progress on Eden's website. At the end of June, we'll let Eden know how many trees we'd like to plan, and Eden will take over from there, with the webpage updated accordingly.